About the author  ⁄ Ryan Curtis, P.E.

Ryan Curtis is a Senior Structural Engineer and Project Manager for LEO A DALY in Omaha, NE. (rbcurtis@leoadaly.com)

Avoid These 7 Mistakes To Best Propel Employees Post-Pandemic Growth

The Covid-19 Pandemic has been life-changing and life-altering since its stronghold took reign early in 2020. A work-from-home approach became the norm, and many professional industries wrestled with keeping employees in or away from the office. As a result, career evolutions (or stagnation) have run rampant over the past 12-18 months. Without taking intentional time to pause and record the impacts on one’s life, employees have ridden the COVID-19 wave and need introspection on what the necessary steps forward look like. 

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STRUCTURE magazine