About the author  ⁄ Randy Lewis, CPCU

Randy Lewis brings over 20 years working in the insurance industry. Currently Randy manages the risk management and client education programs of XL Catlin, a recognized leader in the AEC community. (randy.lewis@xlcatlin.com)

Plan for the Worst

In the event of a crisis, your firm may need to defend itself in both the legal and public relations arenas.

Like any other business sector, the design and construction industry must be prepared to deal with crises such as natural disasters, data breaches, sudden financial setbacks, or even workplace violence. However, the prospect of a project-related crisis, such as a catastrophic failure resulting in an injury or death, is the type of event that keeps A/Es up at night.

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In many jurisdictions, design professionals who volunteer their services following disasters should be concerned about liability. Having effective Good Samaritan laws can help.

It was quite a year. With hurricanes, floods, wildfires, tornadoes, and more, 2017 set records for natural disasters in the U.S., costing lives and over $300 billion in damages.

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STRUCTURE magazine