A Case Against Remote Work

Your business development, and sanity, can benefit greatly from becoming an active member of CASE. I can speak highly of the membership benefits, and I’m not just saying that as the incoming chair! Have you been to a national conference? If you get the chance, go! I returned recently from the ACEC Coalitions Winter Meeting in sunny San Diego, where CASE met over 2 days. Besides taking a much-needed break from a cold winter, it was an excellent opportunity to meet with structural engineers from all corners of the country. It was great to see familiar colleagues and make new connections. We share stories of pain-in-the-neck claims, demanding clients, hiring challenges, and lessons learned over laughs and a beer. To me, personal connections are the most important part of what we do to advance our profession. It motivated me to join CASE 5 years ago and it is why I remain engaged. Unfortunately, for 18 months, we could not connect as we did because of an ugly 5-letter word. COVID … Continue reading A Case Against Remote Work