Review Category : Editorial

How much are you willing to invest in your success? Structural engineers spend $10s, if not $100s of thousands preparing to launch their careers technically. And that is usually sufficient for the first five years of a career. Beyond this, what are you personally investing to enhance your career and your practice? For our practices, firms, and companies to grow and thrive requires competent people, 21st-century solutions to address 21st-century problems, business savvy, and more. Ensuring a strong pipeline of people, solutions, and business aids necessitates collective investment. No one firm can accomplish this alone. This is where the SEI Futures Fund comes in.

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As a teenager, I had a dramatic introduction to the important role that structural engineers play in our communities. I vividly remember the moment the ground started shaking as I sat in Candlestick Park with my mom and my brother awaiting the start of the third game of the 1989 World Series. It wasn’t too long after the shaking stopped that images of the damage caused by the Loma Prieta Earthquake started appearing on the hand-held TV being watched by the people in front of us. I remember trying to process what just happened: feeling very thankful that the stadium remained standing while thinking about the damaged structures and the lives that were affected. At the time, I did not know if I wanted to become a structural engineer. However, I know that experience ignited a curiosity about what it takes for engineers to design the structures that give us the places in which we live, work, and play. Months of disruption and recovery further demonstrated the impact that structural engineers have on our daily lives and routines.

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As I reflect on everything that has happened since the pandemic started, I recognize I have primarily been operating in a survival mode. For the past year, most of my personal and work-related decisions have been affiliated with day-to-day tasks and very short-term thinking.  There were months when I essentially stopped planning or working toward any long-term goals. This was because I was discouraged that the moment I thought I had a plan mapped out, the school teaching model would change, and my kids suddenly had two days off to allow time for the teachers to adjust. Or, a new CDC recommendation would come out, and plans to gather with friends or family were canceled. Planning for anything beyond a few days seemed futile, and I lost focus on any long-term goals. 

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Having been involved with NCSEA for the past 14 years, I have always admired and respected the leadership and unification that the organization provides to the structural engineering profession.  As a former NCSEA Summit Delegate and President of the Structural Engineers Association of Montana, I quickly started to integrate myself into the NCSEA Summit Committee, and – after a few years – reveled in the new energy and growth the Young Member Group Support Committee and SE3 initiatives infused into the organization. So, in the Fall of 2020, I jumped at the chance to join the NCSEA Board as a Director, soon realizing that I was joining at a promising time in the lifespan of NCSEA, following the establishment of the NCSEA Foundation.  

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CASE, NCSEA, and SEI, the three structural engineering associations that support this magazine, have various shared interests. Perhaps the most important shared interest is the promotion and support of licensure for structural engineers – the S.E. License. A Vision for the Future of Structural Engineering Licensure is a detailed paper outlining this common position. This paper, developed by the Structural Engineering Licensure Coalition, has previously been discussed in these pages and is something practicing structural engineers are encouraged to be familiar with.

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Like many in this COVID moment, I have reflected on life, pre- and post-pandemic. I have come to realize that, were it not for the particularly brutal, televised killing of George Floyd at the hands of law enforcement, I would not be the Inaugural Chair of SEI’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. It was a personal and galvanizing call to action born out of my trauma that grew into a need also to be accountable as a professional.

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When I reflect on my experience as an association volunteer, I am honestly surprised that I now serve as NCSEA President. Ten years ago, I was on the Board of Directors for the Structural Engineers Association of Oregon (SEAO). At that time, I was relatively naive about NCSEA. Despite the great work that NCSEA was doing on behalf of the profession, I only knew them as being part of the group that published STRUCTURE magazine. Luckily for me, an amazing structural engineer, the late Sue Frey, intervened a couple of years into my term on the SEAO Board and drastically changed my perception and understanding of NCSEA. I realize now that this simple shift in perception was made possible by my willingness to drink some Kool-Aid.

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For the first time in nearly a year, my firm recently hosted an in-person employee gathering. It was a social event involving masks and social distancing. Everyone was quite happy and maybe a little relieved to be together again. I had the opportunity to talk at length with two recent hires, Shery and Jon. I had met Shery once, at her interview just before closing our physical office last March, and only knew Jon through his remote interview and videoconferences. Both were thrilled to meet their co-workers in person, and they shared their excitement at the prospect of one day soon joining them in an office environment. They were equally anxious to ask a nearby teammate the basic questions every new hire has. My experience at this company outing was the strongest confirmation possible that it was not a question of whether we should ever return to the office, but when and to what extent.

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STRUCTURE magazine