Review Category : Articles

Gustav Lindenthal’s New York City Hell Gate Bridge ~1917

Captains steering nineteenth century heavy shipping-traffic remained vigilant when navigating the waterway of the 850-foot wide Hell Gate Sector of New York City’s East River, which is flanked by two Manhattan islands and land eastward in Queens, New York. Notoriously ferocious waters, unexpected currents, and huge rocks lurked below the turbulent surface. Yet this economically essential waterway provided major regional freight operations.

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What makes it Good and Valuable?

From time to time, an A/E may be presented with a contract that starts off with the phrase “For good and valuable consideration, the parties do hereby covenant…” Alternatively, the consideration may be described as “mutually-agreed upon.” This begs the question – what is consideration? And what makes it good and valuable?

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Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) is a flexible building system suitable for use in all assembly types (e.g., walls, floors, and roofs). Made from industrial dried lumber stacked together at right angles and glued over their entire surface, it is an exceptionally strong product that retains its static strength and shape, and allows transfer of loads on all sides. Panels are prefabricated based on the project design, and arrive at the job site with windows and doors pre-cut. Although size varies by manufacturer, they can be as large as 54.1 x 9.7 x 1.6 feet and include 3, 5, 7, or more layers.

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Virtuous Engineers assert their responsibility
for engaging in a combined human performance
that involves the exercise of practical judgment
to enhance the material well-being of all people
by achieving safety, sustainability and efficiency
while exhibiting objectivity, care and honesty
in assessing, managing and communicating risk.

Having laid down a lot of philosophical groundwork in this space over the last couple of years, I am finally ready to attempt to pull it all together. I will do so under three headings that correspond to the central concepts in Aristotle’s approach to virtue ethics.

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Who Should Get Them?

The process of testing concrete and quality assurance criteria for ready mixed concrete delivered to projects are reasonably well established. The owner or the owner’s representative hires an independent testing and/or inspection agency to perform quality assurance functions during the construction of the Work. Industry standards provide requirements for the following:

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SEI is pleased to highlight two new opportunities for students: Student Membership Grade and Graduate Student Chapters. A joint effort of the Membership Committee and the Local Activities Division (LAD) – one of the four SEI divisions responsible for growing and supporting the local activities – students interested in pursuing careers in structural engineering are encouraged to join SEI.

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Structural Forum is intended to stimulate thoughtful dialogue and debate among structural engineers and other participants in the design and construction process. Any opinions expressed in Structural Forum are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NCSEA, CASE, SEI, C3Ink, or the STRUCTURE® magazine Editorial Board.

Structural engineering has been around since the first cave shortage, yet there is a growing perception that this noble profession might now be dying. What fuels this troublesome notion? Perhaps it starts in high school, where many of the brightest students are discouraged from pursuing the long, hard path to engineering.

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The Triage, Life Support and Subsequent Euthanasia of an Existing Precast Parking Garage – Part 1

As a part of Pennoni’s on-call contract with an existing client, the Philadelphia structural division investigated and developed repair bid documents for an existing, three-level, 1,200-space precast concrete parking garage during the last quarter of 2012. Due to the extent of ongoing deterioration at the facility, a portion was already closed to vehicular traffic prior to the start of the investigation, prompting expedited completion of the services and deliverables provided to the client.

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Case Study of an Eight-Story Timber Office Building

The challenges facing today’s global construction industry are tremendous. As the global population becomes increasingly urbanized, the construction industry is expanding to accommodate urban residential needs. The World Health Organization estimates that, by 2030, six out of every ten people will live in a city, and by 2050, this proportion will increase to seven out of ten people.

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It is All about Communication

Project design and delivery systems have become more and more complex. The days when the Structural Engineer of Record (SEOR) designed all aspects of a project in a straightforward design-bid-build environment are becoming few and far between. Today, with the pressures on construction cost, design fees, and design and construction schedules, SEORs are looking to do more for less fee and in less time, while also delivering superior service.

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STRUCTURE magazine