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The National Council of Structural Engineers Associations (NCSEA) is pleased to publish the winners of the 2019 Excellence in Structural Engineering Awards. The awards were announced on the evening of November 14 at NCSEA’s 27th annual Structural Engineering Summit in Anaheim, California. Given annually since 1998, each year the entries highlight work from the best and brightest in our profession.

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The CASE, NCSEA, and SEI leadership announce that the three organizations have jointly endorsed the Vision for the Future of Structural Engineering. The endorsement is the result of a new Memorandum of Understanding that was signed in 2017 by all three organizations to work collaboratively for “…the betterment of the structural engineering profession…”

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The National Council of Structural Engineers Associations (NCSEA) is pleased to announce the winners of the 2018 Excellence in Structural Engineering Awards.   The awards were announced on the evening of October 26 at NCSEA’s 26th Annual Structural Engineering Summit in Chicago, Illinois.  The awards have been given annually since 1998 and each year highlight work from the best and brightest in our profession.

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STRUCTURE magazine