About the author  ⁄ STRUCTURE magazine

The new Taiyuan Botanical Garden complex in Taiyuan, China, features three paraboloid domes ranging from 140 to 290 feet in diameter and from 40 to 100 feet in height. The gridshells comprise light doubly curved glulam beams arranged in two or three crossing layers. The project pushes the boundaries of structural engineering and construction technique in a country with little experience using timber for long-span applications, creating three beautiful gems for this growing city.

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Would you like to see your firm’s prized project on the list of winners for the 2022 Structural Engineering Excellence (SEE) Awards program? Visit bit.ly/2022SEEAwards to submit your project before the July 12th deadline. The SEE Awards annually highlight some of the best examples of structural engineering ingenuity throughout the world. Projects are judged on innovative design, engineering achievement, and creativity.

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STRUCTURE magazine